Leicester market

If you live in Leicester or Leicestershire you have no excuse not to come visit Leicester market. You can buy some lovely fruit and veg at bargain prices. You just need to know a few things first.

  • Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday are the best days
  • Walk around the market first before you buy anything
  • Buy produce that is mainly in season
  • Not all the stalls are in the same place each day
  • Some people run two stalls
  • These are my favourite stalls: Hills, Cottingham, Lunn’s, Garcia’s, Pittard’s & Norton’s
  • Don’t help yourself unless it is clearly marked
  • In the summer the produce can ripen very quickly—so look carefully before you buy. If you are not sure ask the stall holder
  • Get to know the stall holders—it makes a huge difference
  • If you are concerned about whether to eat organic or not—have a look at the The Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen to help you decide

Some of the above ideas can be applied to fresh produce markets in other areas. If you have a local market use it.

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